Obama campaign alerts supporters about Gustav

Greg —

Today, the thoughts and prayers of all Americans are with those in the path of Hurricane Gustav — and many of you are asking what you can do to help.

We do not yet know what the impact of Hurricane Gustav will be, and we hope with all our hearts that the damage will not be as great as it was three years ago.

But we know there will be damage, and there is something you can do right now.

Your financial support will strengthen organizations like the American Red Cross that are evacuating Gulf Coast residents and planning to help communities get back on their feet.

Make a donation to support the American Red Cross today.

At times like this, it is our compassion and resilience that define who we are as a nation.

Please give whatever you can afford, even $10, to make sure the American Red Cross has the resources to help those in the path of this storm:


Thank you for your generosity, and I hope you will join Michelle and me in praying for the safety of those in the path of the storm and the first responders who are doing all they can to ensure the safety of their communities.


My only thought would have been for the campaign to release that letter a day earlier. McCain’s campaign has been all over this thing, and McCain might even take his acceptance speech from Mississippi. I’d hope that the Obama campaign would take similar notations and delays on speeches and events to watch the storm more in-depth.

To that effect, I might be the only Democrat saying this…but at this time I don’t think Obama should be doing a Marcus Ampitheater headline speech. Supporters would understand if he cancelled due to his concern over the Hurricane.


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1 thought on “Obama campaign alerts supporters about Gustav

  1. McCain taking his acceptance speech in Mississippi would only serve to underscore his willingness to politicize something that shouldn’t be politicized at all.

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