In Brief: Doyle signs budget, does Peace Corps beckon?

  • Governor Jim Doyle signed the state budget into law today, making this budget the firs since 1977 to have been completed before the start of the new fiscal year. Partisan differences have typically led to budget delays past the start of the fiscal year, but Democratic control of the Assembly, Senate, and Governor’s mansion meant a quick budget process this time around. While there’s a lot that I don’t like about the budget signed by Gov. Doyle, it would be impossible to get a budget everyone’s happy with, but I am disappointed in the lack of transparency that seemed to be the theme of this year’s budget deliberations.
  • Speaking of the budget, Gov. Doyle did use his veto pen to eliminate a requirement that offenders who have their probation revoked be sent back to prison for a maximum of six months in most cases. In his veto message, Gov. Doyle said he considered that provision an inappropriate “one-size-fits-all approach.” As someone who would have been directly affected by that provision, I’ll just say I’m extremely pleased Gov. Doyle removed it from the budget. There are many instances of parole or extended supervision violations in which a six month maximum reincarceration would be an insufficient amount of punishment, and if allowed to pass into law, the provision would have effectively handcuffed (no pun intended) the ability of probation and parole agents to mete out punishments commensurate with many of the violations committed by those on supervision.
  • And in one final Gov. Doyle-related tidbit, there’s been some speculation Gov. Doyle may be in line for the position of director of the Peace Corps, and he may be announcing the appointment in the near future. While Doyle’s folks were quick to deny the rumor, I wouldn’t be at all shocked if Gov. Doyle did leave Madison for a spot in the Obama administration.

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2 thoughts on “In Brief: Doyle signs budget, does Peace Corps beckon?

  1. Please leave so we can start the work of repairing the damage you have done

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