Kapanke announces Congressional run amid controversy

Yesterday State Senator Dan Kapanke, a Republican from La Crosse, announced his candidacy for the US House of Representatives. Kapanke will challenge Democratic incumbent Congressman Ron Kind for the seat, but shortly after Sen. Kapanke announced his candidacy, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin issued a statement criticizing Sen. Kapanke for his alleged use of state resources and funds to assist his burgeoning Congressional campaign:

This is not the first time Kapanke and his aides have been involved in illegal activity. In 2006, a taxpayer-funded Kapanke staffer was fined by the State Ethics Board after breaking into another Senator’s personal belongings to make photocopies of political documents on a state copier. Kapanke was investigated again by the State Ethics Board in 2007 after accepting illegal contributions from lobbyists for his business interests.

“It is appalling that Kapanke has stolen taxpayer funds to launch his congressional run,” said Mike Tate, Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. “It’s clear Dan Kapanke will do anything to get elected – even break the law.”

The DPW has previously filed an official open records request with Sen. Kapanke to reveal how many taxpayer dollars have been illegally spent to date on his campaign for congress. However, despite legal requirements regarding responding to open records requests in a timely manner, Kapanke has yet to disclose the records as of yesterday, nearly two months after the formal request was filed by the DPW.

I have to admit I don’t know the entire backstory to this situation, but I will say it’s galling to me that an elected official can’t be bothered to abide by Wisconsin’s Open Records laws by responding to a request in a timely manner.


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4 thoughts on “Kapanke announces Congressional run amid controversy

  1. Senator Kapanke worked very closely with the Government Accountability Board and has done everything they suggested in order to abide with all the campaign finance laws. The DPW is making up stories and slinging mud that won’t stick. They’re doing what any desperate political party would do when they know their guy is going to get beat.

    1. SYK, I just don’t see Rep. Kind as being vulnerable, especially given how handily he’s won in the past three election cycles.

  2. Just as an FYI, all the flyers, agenda(s), and other materials for these events clearly state that they were “Authorized and Paid for” by Kapanke’s campaign. The press releases were sent out on Campaign letterhead, too. Kapanke’s own staff even admit this was a campaign event.

    With all that evidence, it’s pretty tough to go back now and claim it wasn’t a campaign event. Just my two cents.

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