Feingold’s statement on President Obama’s health care address

Shortly after President Obama’s health care address to the nation, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold issued a statement reiterating the need for real health care reform:

“Tonight, the president made another convincing case for comprehensive health care reform. The skyrocketing costs of health care in recent years have made our current path unsustainable. I am pleased the president focused on the need to bring down costs and offered clear support for a public health insurance option as a way to do it. As the president stated, a public option would provide competition for the private health insurance industry, increase consumer choice and help ensure Americans get the best value for their health care dollar. And as the president once again made clear, if people like their coverage, they can keep it. But for those who lack coverage or are not happy with their current coverage, a public option would provide them the affordable care that all Americans deserve. I will continue to work with my colleagues in Congress, as well as the president, to enact real reform so that health care is no longer only a privilege to those who can afford it.”

As Sen. Feingold said in his statement, a strong public option would provide much-needed competition for the private health insurance industry, in the hopes of driving down costs and making health insurance more affordable for all Americans, whether they have health insurance or not.


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