Just a few random thoughts

Just a few random thoughts to start the week:

  • I haven’t chimed in at any great length on the MPS reform plan being pushed by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Governor Jim Doyle, but I believe the plan has positives and negatives. While I certainly think the mayor should have the ability to choose the superintendent he wants, I disagree with doing away with an elected school board. MPS is certainly broken, but I don’t believe taking away the voice of the parents of MPS is a good idea.
  • The Packers looked good yesterday, but the loss of Aaron Kampman and especially Al Harris is definitely going to hurt the team’s chances to not only make the playoffs, but make some noise in the postseason. For my money, Al Harris is one of (if not the best) physical cover cornerback in the NFL, and the Packers will be hard-pressed to replace his talent. Kampman’s loss is also a blow to the Packers, but considering Kampman has had a subpar season, his loss may not be as critical as the loss of Harris. Despite these two injuries, I still believe the Packers can make the playoffs, based on the strength of their offense and the potential of their defense to make big plays.
  • And finally, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is predicting a shortage of Zhu Zhu Pets this holiday season. Putting aside the fact that I have absolutely no clue what a Zhu Zhu Pet is, why should it be shocking that there’s a shortage of the season’s hottest toy? It seems we go through this every year, whether it’s Cabbage Patch dolls, Tickle Me Elmos, Nintendo Wiis, or Zhu Zhu Pets. Shortages of the holiday season’s hottest toys are as much a part of this time of year as tinsel and egg nog, so no one should be surprised by the shortage of Zhu Zhu Pets.

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11 thoughts on “Just a few random thoughts

    1. Jill, I tend to agree with you. Though the injury to Al Harris hurts, I still think the team has more than enough offense to make the playoffs.

  1. the coaching is whats wrong with the packers,all the penalties, and playing kampman at linebacker is not working. that postition will improve with a true linebacker on the outside. zach did you catch the score of the UW-WW LC game that was the ugliest game i ever saw.

    1. ray, I caught the score of that game….that was an old fashioned butt kicking!

      I’ve got my money on UW-W to win the D3 national title.

  2. It’s a shame because they were both playing their best games of the year. Especially bad for Kampman who is a contract year, and is still adjusting to a new position. I’ve gotten to know him a little bit too – he’s my best friend’s neighbor & their kids (and mine occasionally) play together. He’s every bit as nice of a guy as you’d think – the dedication, effort and humility you see on the field and in interviews isn’t a show, that’s who he is. Anyway, the position change certainly hurt his market value as it brought his stats down. I was betting he was on the path to getting the franchise tag – the Pack would’ve given him a 1st round tender and somebody would’ve come along and paid him more so the Pack would’ve gotten a 1st round pick. Now – everybody loses. Pack won’t sign him; won’t get anything when his contract expires and he becomes a free agent; He won’t get paid nearly the same as if he were healthy since the market will be cautious – at worst, the tender offer would’ve been a top 5 for his position.

    It’s also a shame that the switch to the 3-4 meant putting one of their best players in a position he wasn’t best at. You can’t argue with the results – overall the move has definitely been a good one for the defense as a whole, just not good for one player. Not at all unlike the Favre debacle – management must put the overall good of the team first even if it’s painful to one guy. You’re not going to see the same selfishness from 74 though – I know he really wanted to stay in GB and with the Pack, but he’ll deal with it like the quality human being he is.

    1. Locke, Kampman has always struck me as being a quality person, and thought he wasn’t having as dominant a season statistically as past years, I’ll be sorry to see him go. However, I have no doubt he’ll excel on a team that’s more suited to his specific skillset.

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