4 thoughts on “A little holiday reading

  1. Palin article was interesting.

    This article on CouleeConservatives.com caught me eye. Partially because I was actually listening to the Rush Limbaugh show when the fill-in host, who is actually worse than Rush (I’m fairly confident he was the one I heard declare that public schools have failed, so they should all be privatized), talk about the concept of asymmetrical federalism.
    I think its worth noting that while the deal-making in the health care bill could be construed as “asymmetrical” because one state benefited more than another, the Senate in general is asymmetrical federalism because Wyoming has the same representation as California, despite the massive difference in population.

    Hope treating this like an open thread is cool Zach.

      1. Yeah, another example of the right asserting dominion over the Constitution as a political asset. Needless to say I’m not happy about it but the right seems to play politics better than us.

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