A tale of two ads – the DNC vs Employers for a Healthy Economy

The DNC comes out with an ad to attack the GOP on their position with respect to health care reform.  This ad does a great job of showcasing the unleashed power of the health care insurance industry to screw the American people.

Meanwhile the U.S. Chamber of Commerce front group Employers for a Healthy Economy released its new “fear-based” campaign ad (no embedding seemed to be available) that you can see here.   They will reportedly spend another $10 million over the next 10 days, with ad placements targeted in Districts with wavering Democratic Representatives.

You’d think that business would start to understand that enabling a more mobile work force through health care reform is a win-win for them and for their employees.  If people didn’t feel locked into jobs due to the handcuffs of health care coverage they’d be willing to pursue other opportunities, they’d be more entrepreneurial and far more mobile.

Which ad do you think does a better job of dealing with our health care crisis?


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1 thought on “A tale of two ads – the DNC vs Employers for a Healthy Economy

  1. I love the premise of the C of C ad…ironically the current health care bill under consideration is funded…without new taxes.

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