The two sides of Dick Leinenkugel’s mouth

The Two Sides of Dick Leinenkugel’s Mouth
Secretary Leinenkugel Candidate Leinenkugel
On the state budget: “[Secretary Leinenkugel] worked closely with the governor on the budget,” said Adam Collins, a spokesman for Doyle. “Well, it’s interesting that you say, or even assume that I supported Jim – or supported the budget. As Commerce Secretary, we, you know, don’t have a role in making up the budget.”
On global warming: “I trust you and others in this room recognize the significant environmental impacts of addressing climate change. I certainly do.” “The science of global warming, I think, hasn’t been proven.”
On the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, aka the Stimulus: “The stimulus package is leading to some good things in Wisconsin.” “If I were a Senator, I would have voted not – I would’ve voted against that stimulus package.”
High Speed Rail: “I don’t think there has ever been a better time to go after this [high speed rail].” “Leinenkugel says he’s opposed to building the high-speed train from Milwaukee to Madison right now because there are other budget priorities.”
Clean Energy Jobs Act: “This legislation is crucial for the future of our state… It’s a landmark legislative package that will accelerate the state’s green economy and will create jobs.” “So, there were some good things in there. There were also some things that I think at this time would harm manufacturing…”

H/T to the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.


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