Dick Leinenkugel leading angel investing effort

Former Wisconsin Commerce Secretary (and former Republican U.S. Senate candidate) Dick Leinenkugel is leading an effort to start an angel investing group in Vilas County, where he has a vacation home. Among those involved is G. Steven Burrill, founder of Burrill & Co., a San Francisco investment bank focused on…

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Just a quick prediction

Now that Dick Leinenkugel has dropped out of the Republican U.S. Senate primary and has endorsed Ron Johnson, look for Terrence Wall to be the next Republican to drop out of the U.S. Senate race. While Wall has dumped well over a million dollars of his own money into the…

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BREAKING: Leinenkugel out of GOP Senate race, endorses Ron Johnson

Word from the Republican Party of Wisconsin’s 2010 convention is that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dick Leinenkugel has dropped out while announcing his endorsement of Ron Johnson’s candidacy. I speculated yesterday Leinenkugel might be dropping out of the race soon, though I have to admit this was sooner than I…

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RPW 2010 convention news & notes

Will Dick Leinenkugel drop out of the Republican U.S. Senate primary? I’ve been hearing rumors that if Leinenkugel can’t gain some traction at the RPW 2010 convention, he’ll drop out shortly thereafter. Speaking of Dick Leinenkugel and the RPW convention, did Leinenkugel even have a hospitality suite at the Hyatt?…

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Blogging Blue interviews Dave Westlake

No, the title of this entry isn’t a mistake; I really did sit down and interview Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave Westlake. I had an opportunity to sit down and chat with Westlake for a few hours recently, and despite the fact that we’re on opposite ends of the political…

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Odds are good that Johnson’s U.S. Senate campaign will get nasty in a hurry

A couple of days ago, I wrote that Oshkosh businessman Ron Johnson had started hiring campaign staff for his presumed run in the Republican U.S. Senate primary, and among the first two individuals hired by Johnson for his U.S. Senate campaign is Darrin Schmitz, the Republican political operative who produced…

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Leinenkugel to run as an independent?

Over at the blog Robace World, it’s being reported that according to conservative talk radio host Vicki McKenna, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dick Leinenkugel may withdraw from the Republican Senate primary to run as an Independent. This is the first I’ve heard of any rumored independent run by Leinenkugel, and…

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Dick Leinenkugel should consult with Tim Michels

Just a quick note to Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dick Leinenkugel and his campaign handlers: If you’re going to attack Sen. Russ Feingold for opposing the PATRIOT Act, you might want to consult with Tim Michels to find out how that turned out for him in 2004.

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The two sides of Dick Leinenkugel’s mouth

The Two Sides of Dick Leinenkugel’s Mouth Secretary Leinenkugel Candidate Leinenkugel

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Leinenkugel’s in, and the reaction’s flat

After weeks of speculation, it’s official: former Doyle administration commerce secretary Dick Leinenkugel is joining the Republican U.S. Senate primary, with hopes of unseating incumbent U.S. Senator Russ Feingold. To say the reaction to Leinenkugel’s announcement unenthusiastic would be a gross understatement; reaction to Leinenkugel’s announcement was about as flat…

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