Another highlight from the DPW convention

I know, I know; you’re sick of hearing about the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s 2010 convention already.

However, another highlight of the convention for me had to be the opportunity I had to spend some time getting to know Democratic House candidate Todd Kolosso, who’s looking to unseat Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner in Wisconsin’s 5th Congressional district this fall. Though I’ve previously interviewed Kolosso for this blog, my weekend spent at the DPW convention gave me new insight into just how deeply Kolosso is committed to providing the citizens of the 5th Congressional district with the leadership he feels they deserve – and have been lacking for many years.

Here’s some video of Kolosso’s speech to delegates at the DPW convention:

If you live in the 5th Congressional district and you haven’t already done so, you should really visit Todd Kolosso’s campaign website and strongly consider giving him your support.


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