County Supervisor Larson to challenge Plale

As had been previously reported here and a number of other blogs, Milwaukee County Supervisor Chris Larson has announced he will challenge Democratic State Sen. Jeff Plale in the 7th District. Larson announced his plans last week Thursday, and in announcing his candidacy Larson took a shot at Sen. Plale’s record of accepting big money from corporate special interest (energy companies, anyone?):

“My neighbors need a voice in Madison,” Larson said. “We’re tired of not being heard. It’s crucial to have someone who stands up for the people, not for corporate interests. It is time we get the representation we deserve. Progress can’t wait. Working families are finding it harder and harder to land a job and make ends meet. This campaign will be about promoting economic growth with responsible business partners while still protecting consumers and creating family supporting jobs. It’s time we had some real leaders ready to speak up on our behalf.”

In addition to his work on the County Board, Larson created the Quality of Life Alliance, in addition to founding the Democratic Training for Elections and Action in Milwaukee (DemTEAM) that focuses on getting smart, active residents more involved in campaigns and politics.

As the ever-astute xoff points out, Sen. Plale has already started trying to re-write his record to blur the distinctions between himself and Larson on issues like the Clean Energy Jobs Act, a bill sponsored by Sen. Plale only to later be buried in the State Senate by Plale. In addition to his record in regards to the Clean Energy Jobs Act, Sen. Plale will also have to defend his record in support of concealed carry of firearms, a position which obviously hasn’t endeared Sen. Plale to progressives in his district.

There’s no denying Chris Larson will have an uphill battle against an entrenched incumbent like Sen. Plale, but if anyone can knock off Sen. Plale, it’s Chris Larson, who’s proven to be an intelligent, thoughtful and energetic public servant.

Jason Haas has more on Larson’s candidacy.


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