Topic of the Week: What will Congress accomplish in 2011?

Seeing as how this will be the last topic of the week before the end of the year, I thought we’d take a minute to discuss what you think Congress can accomplish in 2011. Whether you agree or not with the agenda of congressional Democrats in 2010, there can be no denying they had a number of legislative accomplishments. Will a Republican-controlled House of Representatives and a Democratic controlled Senate be able to get anything done in 2011?


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6 thoughts on “Topic of the Week: What will Congress accomplish in 2011?

      1. They were chatting about this on POTUS on satellite radio last week. The consensus was that Issa was going to use his oversight authority but only “on stuff that mattered.” I don’t know if I buy that though… The radio folks used the GOP’s missteps following the 94 Repub revolution as examples of what they won’t do this time, but I can see them getting arrogant with their perceived mandate.

        1. Conservatives always get arrogant, it’s like a prerequisite. Either way, they’re going to attempt, to focus on that, and likely keep pushing behind that for the next two years but will ignore everything else in favor of that.

          Meanwhile John Stewart and Stephen Colbert will continue to give news on Comedy Central, bringing outrage to the masses at the Republican Party’s antics when the major television networks won’t. 🙂

  1. I think they will tread lightly here. Obama is still THE most popular politician in the US and the repubs polling numbers are not at any kind of rate they can afford to go too far off track. They will probably nip some edges with real silly investigations but I doubt they will come out for impeachment.

  2. Congress will usurp more state authority, expand its control over decisions that your grandfather once made that you are now designated as incapable of doing, and figure out how to bankrupt the US government, bankrupt its citizens, and bankrupt individual states while explaining how this will help you in the long run.
    Too cynical?
    Maybe too practical.

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