Chris Abele supports efforts to consolidate services

Shortly after Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announced in his State of the City address plans to designate Milwaukee’s Public Safety Communications Center as the central answering point for incoming cellphone 911 calls, Milwaukee County Executive candidate Chris Abele issued a press release saying he would work with each of Milwaukee County’s 19 municipalities and the State of Wisconsin to work to consolidate services and save money:

“As County Executive, I will continue to work with the Mayor to better coordinate responses to 911 emergency calls,” said Abele. “By eliminating the need to transfer calls between the City and the County, we can improve the quality and efficiency of emergency response services to those in need. This is a powerful example of how we can improve vital services to taxpayers when the County works together with municipal levels of government.”

Abele also said he would seek to aggressively explore ways to consolidate other services such as County and municipal public works services, and County and municipal health department functions. Last week, Abele and Barrett announced a plan to move Milwaukee County’s economic development team to the Department of City Development so the two departments can work cooperatively together develop the County’s vacant Park East parcels.

“Even in tough budget times, taxpayers and voters expect basic and vital public services to be delivered efficiently. Smarter consolidation and greater collaboration between the County, the State and the 19 municipalities within Milwaukee County can achieve these critical goals,” said Abele.


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