2 thoughts on “Faster than a folding chair

  1. I’ve struggled with this for a few months now. We can say he folds easily but he has too if he wants to get re-elected.

    The Dems are fickle people. I’m not sure Obama can stick his neck out and expect the Dems to have his back. Again, the man is walking a fine line. Anything he does irritates at least 10% of his base. Republicans don’t have that problem. In fact, its quite the opposite. Anything they say gains people in their base. The more extreme the better. If they don’t say something extreme they lose their base. There is no way Obama can say something liberally extreme and get away with it.

    This is going to be a squeaker in 2012. This man is walking a tightrope right now.

  2. Sam,

    Obama got elected by giving speeches, reminiscent of Dr. King, that inspired the American people. He seemed to embody courage, honesty and integrity, and campaigned on issue positions that enthused progressives and liberals.

    We got shellacked in 2010 because people felt betrayed. It’s that simple. Those who voted for him felt that HE didn’t have THEIR back, and a lot of the young people who helped put him in office didn’t turn out.

    You don’t need even a BA in political science to understand this stuff. The notion that voters were angry about a lack of jobs is mostly nonsense. The wave that sent Obama to the White House did not expect the economy to be flourishing by November 2010.

    They expected to see President Obama demonstrate the same qualities they saw in candidate Obama. They didn’t get it and democrats all over the country, by association, suffered. This is nowhere more true than right here in Wisconsin with Russ Feingold’s loss.

    The formula for success is simple. Forget the convoluted election industry wisdom du jour. Field candidates that have integrity, courage and honesty, stake out a clear position on issues that the American people feel strongly about, like those articulated by the CPC’s Peoples Budget, and you have a good chance of winning.

    Play to the middle, cede ground to the Tea Party types, and you have a 2010.

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