41 thoughts on “Open Thread

  1. I keep wanting to write a letter to the local paper but I can’t figure out about what. Walker is setting so many fires in so many different places (cuts to education, arts, medical care for the poor, PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS), as well as his just plain evil plot to spend $10 mil to make sure poor folks can’t vote. How can we stay focused when he’s all over the place?

    1. Yeah, it’s hard to talk about just one issue when there are so many things Gov. Walker has already screwed up.

  2. It’s a beautiful day outside….I spent the morning finishing up some yard work and getting our vegetable beds ready for planting. Here’s our garden last summer:


    Big tomato

  3. Voter ID

    Surely all of you against this are for repealing the restriction on having to show ID to buy a gun right?

    After all , your basis for rejecting this law is you would not want to discourage people from excersizing constitutional rights , just cause they dont have an ID….. Isn’t it?

    1. Nota, are you opposed to individuals having to provide IDs in order to purchase firearms?

      I just want to know before I address your point.

  4. Nota …this deserves its own thread but there is absolutely no constitutional right that says you can carry any weapon on you at any time.

    Nice tomato’s!

  5. Not at all….if that is what it takes for liberals to accept that the second amendment allows me to own any gun I like then so be it,

    1. Nota,

      Haven’t we been through this before? Bazooka’s and tanks and the like?

      Tell you what, you get yourself a fully automatic weapon, then call the AFT and ask them over for coffee to talk about your Second Amendment rights, and let’s us know how it goes.

      Good luck, man!

  6. And Jeff you are 100% wrong

    As passed by the Congress:
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
    As ratified by the States:
    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

      1. nota im even going to waste my time giving you a lesson in the Constitution, but I would be curious to see how you answer Zach’s question….

  7. By the way, did anyone besides me find this absolutely despicable?


    David Koch not only can’t bring himself to give Obama ANY credit for the demise of bin Laden, he has to viciously jab the President to boot, saying he believes Obama is a “hardcore socialist” and that Koch is afraid of him. No shit!

    Not a word from Koch about what this means to America. Not a word about the tragedy of September 11th, 2001. Not a single reflection on the blood and treasure lost in the last ten years. Not a whiff of consideration for the country Koch claims, through his multiple astroturf groups, to love so much.

    Just more of his boundless bile about socialist Obama and how scary he is.

    Well I believe David Koch is a hardcore fascist. I think there’s more evidence to support my belief than there is to support Kochs.

    Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks is finally dead and all David Koch can do is try to fear monger against the President of the United States.

    What an asshole.

    1. steve,

      I saw this and didnt get upset. I categorized the same way I did trumps insistence on seeing Obama’s birth certificate. Just the rantings of an old lunatic. Anyone who pays attention knows how utterly ridiculous it is and the more he talks the more he hurts his cause.

      I also agree he is a hardcore fascist.

  8. Superintendent Paul Kreutzer of the New Berlin School District was the only Superintendent to stand with Gov. Walker at his March news conference and speak in support of Walker’s “budget repair” bill. Kreutzer left the school district during a school day to do that.

    What a sham!

    The fact is the Kreutzer family is getting out of Wisconsin pronto. Kreutzer has taken a superintendent job (start date July 1) in an affluent district in New York, a pro-union state that does not have the restrictions on collective bargaining that Walker has promoted.
    Kreutzer told New Yorkers that he’s hopeful his wife, a public school teacher, will find employment in the area, and he intends to enroll their child in the NY District that hired him.

    Recently, Kreutzer has distanced himself from his earlier support of Walker’s budget bill. Kreutzer asserts that the superintendent position should be apolitical, he “serves” the school board, and was at Walker’s news conference endorsing Walker’s legislation because he was directed to do so by the New Berlin School Board.

    1. Linda, thank you for the update. I had seen that story, but not to that details, and wanted to bring it too attention. The problem is as Bert started the thread with, what do you write about when there is sooo much bad?

  9. NOBAMA2012 gets credit for FINALLY issuing the order after delaying it for 16 hours while the troops were staged and ready to go, but the water boarding of the Bush administration was the reason bin Laden was found.

    1. The President never gives the go ahead order for covert operations until all of the operatives are in position and the agreed upon conditions are all in order…to do otherwise puts a lot of people at unnecessary risk. If you’d ever been part of a regulated militia, you’d know this.

      The water boarding wish has been debunked…put it aside.

  10. “There’s too many pigs for the teats”
    So spoke Abraham Lincoln, besieged by officeseekers desiring jobs in the federal government, quoted by Shelby Foote in Ken Burns’ documentary The Civil War.

    Sort of how we taxpayers feel about the abuse unions are putting upon our paychecks in this state.

  11. Nota, I live in a $128,000 house. My wife drives an 8-year old truck and I drive a 6-year old car. The last time I checked, we weren’t exactly living a life of champagne and caviar, so I’d love to hear you tell me exactly how I’m putting abuse on your paychecks.

    1. I just love the whole “haves” meme conservatives have bought into when it comes to public employees. The vast majority of public employees aren’t getting rich at the expense of taxpayers, and if it weren’t for my wife’s income we wouldn’t have been able to buy the modest house we live in.

      1. I don’t ever think I said union state workers were getting rich, I don’t think I ever said they are overpaid, what I know I said was they need to pay their fair share.

  12. Ok because someone was buying for all the wrong reasons I should be punished? So then with that thinking people who use fake prescriptions to buy drugs and resell them and some stupid high school kid od’s, we should all be limited to how many prescriptions we are allowed to buy at one time?

    1. In other words you shouldn’t be inconvenienced by having limits placed on the number of guns you can buy just so that authorities can try to track/stop guns being purchased specifically for criminal activity.


    2. Wake up dude…why the hell do you think the sudafed is now behind the pharmacist’s counter and you have to sign the register when you buy it?

    3. Nota, if we extend your logic, we shouldn’t inconvenience convicted felons who want to possess firearms. After all, the Second Amendment makes it pretty clear that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged, and by imposing laws preventing convicted felons from possessing firearms, the government has abridged the right of those individuals to keep and bear arms.

      Just as I support keeping guns out of the hands of convicted felons as a responsible limit, I believe there should be some measures in place to at least try to ensure that some people aren’t abusing the Second Amendment in order to further criminal enterprises.

    1. Not sure what the Mexican drug wars have to do with the Second Amendment in this country. But I will play along, do you think if guns were regulated that drug cartels would have less access to them?

      1. More weapons used in the Mexican drug wars are ‘imported’ from the US than anywhere else…

      2. And if you think that violence hasn’t or won’t ever spill over into the U.S. you’re sorely mistaken.

  13. To paraphrase a friend of mine: Based on the bills currently being discussed in Madison, in the State of Wisconsin it will soon be easier to shoot someone than to vote for them!

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