Paul Ryan should run for….what?!?

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said yesterday he’d like to see Rep. Paul Ryan seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, citing Ryan’s “real leadership” as reason why Rep. Ryan could beat President Barack Obama in next year’s election.

No doubt Cantor is oblivious to the fact that Paul Ryan’s budget proposal to turn Medicare into a “coupon” program while simultaneously switching Medicaid to a block grant system, meaning the federal government would simply allocate money to states, who could then turn around and restrict access to Medicaid funding by the poor – as has been proposed by Gov. Walker here in Wisconsin. Both ideas have been met with wide disapproval, with Republican members of the House who voted for Paul Ryan’s budget coming under fire from their constituents as they’ve returned to their home districts.

Personally I’d love to see Paul Ryan run for president in 2012, because I’d love to see him get knocked down a peg or two by President Obama if Ryan were fortunate enough to become the Republican presidential nominee.


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2 thoughts on “Paul Ryan should run for….what?!?

  1. I’m pretty sure that if the New York 26th goes Democratic tonight (almost entirely because of Ryan’s medicare proposal), there will be a lot less clamoring on the right for Ryan to run for President.

    Failing that, I fall back to my First Rule of Wisconsin Politics: If Robert M. LaFollette, Sr. couldn’t get elected president, neither can anyone from Wisconsin.

  2. “I’m pretty sure that if the New York 26th goes Democratic tonight (almost entirely because of Ryan’s medicare proposal), there will be a lot less clamoring on the right for Ryan to run for President.”

    First of all, it will. Second of all, I agree.

    In any event, IF Paul Ryan ran against President Obama [one can only hope], it would be 1964 all over again for the Republicans.

    Well, okay, maybe NOT as “good” as 1964. (*laughing*)

    Ryan’s totals would make Goldwater’s popular and electoral vote counts look good.

    Hmmmm. . .

    Can you get a negative number of electoral votes?

    JUST curious.

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