Wisconsin Legislature Allows Hidden Guns while Voting Against Officer Safety and Common-Sense Safety Measures

The following is a guest blog authored by Democratic State Rep. Brett Hulsey, who represents the 77th Assembly District.

Wisconsin Legislature Allows Hidden Guns while Voting Against Officer Safety and Common-Sense Safety Measures

By Representative Brett Hulsey

GOP legislators delivered a one-two punch to local law enforcement officers over the last several days. Tuesday, the State Assembly voted to put at risk the lives of those who are sworn to protect us– police officers, deputies and troopers. And, last week, the GOP controlled Legislature voted to cut millions in funding for local governments in the state budget, which will mean major cuts to public safety.

Like many Wisconsinites, I am a hunter and got my first gun when I was very young, and I’ve always used it safely, like so many gun owners. However, I urged other members of the legislature to support a Safe Officer amendment, which would have informed law enforcement when they ran the plates of someone who held a concealed carry license. It’s a common sense measure that could save lives, especially with law enforcement officers across the state making aggressive efforts to bust drunk drivers.

Having been drive-alongs with law enforcement officers, I know that a traffic stop is one of the most dangerous moments for any law officer. One study by the Violence Policy Center showed that 11 law enforcement officers were killed by concealed carriers.

This amendment would have given needed information to the officer before he or she approached the vehicle that they not only are they dealing with a drunk or lawbreaker, but one who likely has a gun.

I have attended funerals for deputies – it’s very difficult. I wished we could have gotten more support for the Safe Officer Amendment so more don’t have to attend those funerals for law enforcement officers in their districts.

Sadly, that was not the case. The amendment failed and the bill passed.

Other amendments voted down in this irresponsible manner by the Assembly GOP include an amendment to ban hidden guns at the State Fair and at Miller Park. Another would make weapons illegal at often-raucous and booze-soaked block parties like the Mifflin Street block party in Madison (where two people were stabbed in separate incidents just this year) and hundreds of annual parties in Milwaukee and elsewhere.

When the GOP rejects common sense measures like these designed to protect us, our families, and our neighbors, its clear that they don’t have the best interests of Wisconsin in mind. It’s just one more thing on to add to the list of this legislature’s “accomplishments” that have taken our state backwards.


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3 thoughts on “Wisconsin Legislature Allows Hidden Guns while Voting Against Officer Safety and Common-Sense Safety Measures

  1. At least they agreed to require training from wizened experts. What’s that? Is that the president of the Wisconsin chapter of the American Association of Certified Firearms Instructors being hauled away in handcuffs after assaulting someone at the Capitol?


  2. “Will guns be allowed at polling places concealed or open carry?” …she asks.

  3. I feel like I should preface this comment by saying…I dislike Walker more than any other politician out there…so people don’t mistake me for a teabagger or something.

    Could someone please explain to me how officers’ safety is jeopardized by the CCW law?

    BTW…don’t you think they just might be a little bias at the Violence Policy Center??

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