Guest Blog: Happy 4th of July from the Freedom State of California.

forwarded from a fan of Blogging Blue: Happy 4th of July from the Freedom State of California. Freedom. While Republicans cry freedom, they dictate the choices that people are allowed to make. Fanning the flames of these exhausting culture wars. Banning abortion, banning books and banning free speech in the…

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Time for a Sunday Sermon: Moms for Liberty: Take a look at the Bible!

Reprinting this in its entirety without additional comment. Original source is here! An open letter to Moms for Liberty: While you mothers are about the business of going after books that alarm or offend you on school libraries’ shelves around our country, permit me to add another high-impact title to…

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Wisconsin Is Setting COVID-19 Records: Get Vaccinated!!!

this is just a reprint from WUWM’s website about how Wisconsin hospitals are hitting 97% occupancy rates in their ICU beds…resulting in back ups and moving the sick and injured from one hospital to another…someone is going to die when there was no need to. Wisconsin hospitals are strained under…

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That Day in Lattimer

By Steve Carlson and Lynn Sutherland Jaskowiak One of the bloodiest days in American labor history occurred on the outskirts of Lattimer, Pennsylvania, on Friday, September 10th, 1897. Roughly 400 anthracite coal miners ( the vast majority of them foreign born eastern Europeans) had had enough of the darkened servitude…

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It’s up to us. Editorial from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

This editorial appeared on the front page of this morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I am reprinting here in total. I agree with it. I will have comments on it later in another post. It’s up to us.  We can’t count on our elected representatives to work together for the public…

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County Board Chair Theo Lipscomb Responds:

Last evening we received a response to our post about Milwaukee County Board Chairman Theo Lipscomb and voting rights. We are pleased to publish his response in his entirety, unedited, and with his permission. Thank you Theo! Dear Blogging Blue, To be clear the right to vote is your franchise,…

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Iowa progressives endorse Bernie Sanders and Medicare for All. Wisconsin progressives should follow suit.

Greetings Blogging Blue readers! It’s been quite some time since I’ve graced these pages with my particular brand of progressive proselytizing, but the moment that’s upon us is one that even this cynical, jaded, retired and tired old man (sort of) can’t sit back and ignore any longer. So pour…

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Guest Blog: In Response to White House Refusal to Co-operate with Congressional Inquiries.

You may want to start here: Read the White House Letter in Response to the Impeachment Inquiry. It’s the NY Times link to the letter to the Congressional committees from the White House. It’s a long read but worth it. And here is a clear and concise reply from Milwaukee…

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H/T To Jake formerly of the LP For This Piece On Trump, Russia, And Wisconsin

This piece over at the Daily Kos was brought to my attention by one of our regular readers. It is a very thorough description of the Wisconsin connection to the Russia/Trump relationship during the 2016 election cycle. It’s well worth the read by one of our regular readers and commenters:…

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Guest Blog: SIEG HADER

Today we have a guest blog from long time friend of Blogging Blue: Graeme Zielinski. The rict Waukesha County standing sieg heils poured on and over Josh Hader Saturday at Miller Park after it was revealed during his disastrous All-Star appearance last week that he, just 7 years previously, used…

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