Reprinting this in its entirety without additional comment. Original source is here!
An open letter to Moms for Liberty:
While you mothers are about the business of going after books that alarm or offend you on school libraries’ shelves around our country, permit me to add another high-impact title to your hit list: The Bible.
As troubling books go, this one has it all.
From the git-go, you’ve got nudity, fratricide, onanism (look that one up!), prostitution, incest, a frontal assault of family values and accusations of rape. And that’s just in the first book of the Bible. And it goes downhill from there. By the time you get to Ezekiel, you even find bestiality!
Ever read Song on Songs (sic)? Why do our kids need to read its repeated description of women’s breasts and the “perfumed gardens” between their legs! Makes me shudder every time I read that stuff!
And even while it sets out prohibitions, the Bible opens the door, as you so wisely put it, to a discussion of homosexuality and dressing in drag. Our impressionable youth read in Leviticus that men should not lay with other men, or in Deuteronomy that men should not dress as women and vice versa. Don’t you think that is fishing in troubled waters by inviting unwanted class discussion of these topics?
The Bible also plants some very dangerous woke ideas, and not just your smutty ones. Welcoming immigrants, communism every 7th year, disarming and even vegetarianism are hardly the things tender impressionable minds need to be exposed to in their school libraries, wouldn’t you agree?
And if wasn’t disturbing enough in Part One, Part Two tells our young people that God sent His own son into the world to be brutalized and murdered so He could reconcile Himself with Mankind. As a son, that would scare the bejeezus out of me about my own father. Who writes this stuff, anyway?
Even the Bible’s repeated references to slavery and even genocide are bound to provoke discussions of American history that have no place in our public schools. It’s hard enough for these kids trying to sort things out while growing up in messed up families and attending substandard schools that have become shooting galleries.
Why burden them with facts from a past best forgotten that make them gloomier and more hopeless than they already are. Why contribute to the present epidemic of youth depression and worse by giving them access to books like the Bible that send their topsy-turvy lives into a tailspin?
So I’m with you, sisters! Why settle for half measures? If you are going after books that could be a danger to our kids and interfere with parental rights and control, why not go after the Book of Books — the motherload itself?
Bruce Diamond
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