American Family Association calls for re-criminalizing gay sex

The wingnuts on the right are back at it again as this video clip from Right Wing Watch showcases American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, Director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public policy calling for the re-criminalization of sodomy. These are the friends that the clowns running for President hang out with as they seek the wacko fringe voter.


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13 thoughts on “American Family Association calls for re-criminalizing gay sex

  1. Incidently, Mark Neumann seems to have made a WHOLE BUNCH of anti-gay comments in the past. It would be quite entertaining to see him run against Tammy and called to account for his remarks.

    1. Ain’t just anal, T. “Sodomy,” strictly defined, includes both oral and anal. The big Texas case about it several years ago was actually about oral, wasn’t it? Or was that a Georgia case.

      Anyway, of course heteros do oral and anal, and damn near anything else that feels good!

  2. Bryan Fisher is a man with more confidence than intelligence. No one should listen to him.

    1. I’d call it “bravado”, rather than “confidence.” He’s clearly overcompensating for something.

      Maybe Ted Haggard or Larry Craig could provide some guidance as to what it is.

  3. Seriously?

    “Jeesh…Don’twe have better things to do with our time?…….


    Rich says:
    August 30, 2011 at 9:08 pm
    What, bigotry and hate doesn’t get you up?”

    Yes. Yes it does. And I wasn’t clear in the intent of my written word. I should have written, Doesn’t American Family Assoc. and our government have better things to do with their time?

    Prevent child abuse, provide shelter for battered spouses, provide food and shelter for the poor, offer home care for the elderly and disabled, etc.
    Stay out of people’s bedrooms.

    Tell him to talk to Ron Johnson. Ron wants to create a Congressional sunset committee to whose focus would be to eliminate uneeded laws and regulations. Just think of how busy those two could keep each other….

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