Repubs cite former AG Bronson La Follette opinion as they heatedly challenge themselves.

This is just hilarious.

The Fitzgerald boys  paid Michael Best & Friedrich and the Troupis Law Office close to a half a million dollars to write the new legislative maps, with language that states the old maps are in play in the event of recalls prior to the 2012 election, and are now citing a 1982 opinion by former Democratic AG Bronson La Follette that says new maps are in play, after Mike Tate says the DPW will be going ahead with recalls of at least three more repub senators in the coming weeks.

One struggles for words.


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1 thought on “Repubs cite former AG Bronson La Follette opinion as they heatedly challenge themselves.

  1. Given the conundrum the Fitzgerald boys have created for themselves here, the only logical thing to do is to recall themselves. Makes perfect sense to me.

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