300,001 Signatures

Tonight United Wisconsin and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin announced that 300,001 signatures have been obtained in the effort to Recall Governor Scott Walker in just 13 days, 70,000 signatures in Milwaukee County alone.

Obviously these signatures are the low hanging fruit…those Wisconsinites totally upset with the direction Wisconsin is headed under the governorship of Scott Walker. From here on in it will be much tougher and the opposition will become much louder and more persistent in their efforts to disrupt the recall process.

Mike Tate said this evening, “We need to keep building and gathering, no let up. Please give whatever you can afford to help us pay for the rest of the effort.”

And he is correct…the goal is a million signatures statewide and I would hope that we could get at least 200,000 in Milwaukee County alone.


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2 thoughts on “300,001 Signatures

  1. Over at Cognitive Dissidence, capper has an excellent post breaking down the signature numbers:

    300,000 signatures in the first 12 days comes to:

    • 25,000 signatures per day
    • 1,042 signatures per hour
    • 17 signatures per minute

    That comes to a signature about every 3.5 seconds.

    Those are some amazing numbers, and hopefully we’ll be able to sustain that kind of momentum over the entire 60 days.

  2. That is very good news but don’t get too excited because it ain’t over until Kathy counts the votes!

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