Rally for Manitowoc Cranes Workers this Saturday

From my email inbox comes news of a rally this weekend to show solidarity with the striking workers at Manitowoc Cranes.

Brothers and Sisters,

This Saturday, December 10 at the Municipal Baseball Field at 2200 Grand Ave, Manitowoc, WI 54220 there will be a solidarity rally to support the striking workers at Manitowoc Cranes.

What:  Solidarity Rally with Striking Machinists
Saturday, December 10 at 1:00 pm
Municipal Baseball Field, 2200 Grand Ave, Manitowoc, WI, 54220

Below are five things you can do to support our brothers and sisters on strike at Manitowoc Cranes:

1.    Attend the Solidarity Rally this Saturday, December 10.
2.    Sign the petition in support of the striking workers.
3.    Give a gift to the Strike Assistance Fund:   MCI Strike Fund c/o Machinists Local 516, P. O. Box 222, Manitowoc, WI 54221-0222.
4.    Send food and toy donations to IAMAW District Lodge 10 at 1650 S. 38th St., Milwaukee, WI, 53215-1726.
5.    Forward this email to 5 of your friends.

Executives at Manitowoc Cranes have taken a page from Scott Walker’s Union-Busting Hand Book.  At the last minute, the company slipped union-busting language into the proposal.  Proudly, the workers at Manitowoc Cranes stood together and voted overwhelming (180-2) to reject this attack on their union rights. 

Now is the time for all of Wisconsin to stand together and support these brave men and women as they stand up for all working people and the middle class.  Anything you can do to show solidarity is appreciated.


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