Jan Brewer – Don’t Believe The Hype!

Recently Arizona Governor Jan Brewer met President Obama on the runway of an airport and they exchanged words. Well it does not take much to make one a right wing hero(if even for a day) and this propelled her to stardom on the right:

The problem here is Ms. Brewer is starting to believe the hype. She seems to have forgotten this moment in her gubernatorial debate in the last election:

Well Ms. Thick skinned handled this debacle like you would expect a republican to handle it – she cancelled the rest of the debates that were scheduled.

Then she falsely claimed(ie lied) that there muliple beheadings in the desert. This claim was so insane that the local reporters wanted to know more. Here Ms. Brewer is showing more of her thick skin by (again as expected) turning tail and running.

So when it comes to Jan Brewer – do not believe the hype!


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