An NPR reporter’s take on Waukesha County & the Wisconsin recalls

A few weeks ago, I received a message from Liz Halloran, a reporter from NPR. Ms. Halloran was coming to town to do a story about Wisconsin politics, had read my posts on Blogging Blue, and was intrigued with Drinking Liberally Waukesha. At first I thought I was being Punk’d by the Wisconsin GOP, but it turned out to be legit.

Ms. Halloran and I met on March 21 at a coffee shop in Brookfield. She made me feel very comfortable, and we ended up talking for over an hour. I’m 75% sure I accomplished my goal of not saying anything idiotic. Liz also spoke with my Drinking Liberally Waukesha co-host, Kristin Hansen, and a couple of other local political activists, and wrote a fair analysis of the goings-on in Wisconsin since Scott Walker took office.

Click here to read her report.

Oh, and check out the quotes from Don Taylor about Scott Walker and, um, the Lord…


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3 thoughts on “An NPR reporter’s take on Waukesha County & the Wisconsin recalls

  1. NPR, like all media today, also err’s on the side of “balanced” reporting. There is nothing balanced about the fact that Walker turned the hard won environment protection policies of this extraordinarily beautiful state into one of environment sales, set the path of public school enialation in favor of corporate controlled voucher supported charter schools, squeezed job growth among local private businesses in favor of tax breaks for large national operations, plus cutting salaries, bargaining power for public workers and overall lowering family earning power throughout the state.

    How can you report those attacks in a balanced manner? It’s like justifying Pearl Harbor!

  2. That’s true, and I agree with you there; however, the reporter did capture the sentiment of those in my area, on both “sides,” and was able to accurately illustrate the divide among us.
    Thank you for your comments. 🙂

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