Ann Romney Didn’t Really Say This

Of course she didn’t.  She’s just not stupid. 

Here’s the quote, supposedly spoken by Ann Romney at a “Moms for Mitt” group outside Philadelphia.  It is satire from this Free Wood place, but someone at DailyKos got fooled.  

“Why should women be paid equal to men? Men have been in the working world a lot longer and deserve to be paid at a higher rate. Heck, I’m a working mom and I’m not paid a dime. I depend on my husband to provide for me and my family, as should most women… and if a woman does work, she should be happy just to be out there in the working world and quit complaining that she’s not making as much as her male counterparts. I mean really, all this wanting to be equal nonsense is going to be detrimental to the future of women everywhere. Who’s going to want to hire a woman, or for that matter, even marry a woman who thinks she is the same, if not better than a man at any job. It’s almost laughable. C’mon now ladies, are you with me on this?”

I guess the bottom line here is that the silly season is here, and it’s going to be harder and harder to tell the satire from the real Republican opinions, so be careful out there that you don’t get caught. 




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6 thoughts on “Ann Romney Didn’t Really Say This

  1. You’ve only proved there are some real geniuses down there at DailyKos. I guess that should teach readers to be suspicious of anything on that site, as they obviously don’t take time to fact check. Also, it’s fairly obvious to anyone with a brain that that wasn’t a real quote.

  2. “harder and harder to tell the satire from the real Republican opinions” — Oh, come on. How deranged would you have to be to think Ann Romney actually said that? I realize that at DKos they basically lap up any dehumanizing and eliminationist rhetoric they can get, but hopefully this site still has a _trace_ of skepticism left.

  3. This was obvious satire, so if any liberal took it seriously, it says more about their own gullible nature than it does about conservative opinion and positions.

    Oh, what’s not satire: Obama ate a dog.

  4. Thirteenth, you are a bit hard on DKos. But by using your same logic, we couldn’t believe anything anyone in the Republican Party ever says, given the contant lies spewed by folks like Romney and Walker. Do you REALLY want that standard applied to the GOP?

  5. Yes, Steven, contrary to the caricature folks like you hold, that is precisely the standard we want applied to every politician, regardless of party. It’s the standard true Republicans use with our own, and apply to everyone else. What we don’t do is what you clearly do, which is to paint a hyperbolic, emotionally charged, nearly hysterical picture of those we disagree with by describing them as spewing constant lies. Do you really believe the current administration has been honest about Solyndra? Fast and Furious? Apply the standard. Please. But do it equally and with an open mind.

  6. The root of this problem is that there were so many people ready to believe this — because the Romney family’s image problem is that bad. Mike Bloomberg is the only stunningly rich politician I’ve ever seen who relates to regular people. You, Ms. Romney, are no Mike Bloomberg.

    Ann Romney had the privilege to be able to CHOOSE whether to stay home and raise her children (as I’m sure many women would like to), but had to be apologized to for an implication that she didn’t “work.” Most people define “work” as something you don’t have a choice about doing, and plenty of women no longer believe in relying on men to deliver them the lifestyle they want, even if they can hide behind the “it’s all for the kids!” line (you choose it = you want it). Believe it or not: women can responsibly both work and raise children if they plan properly (though I’m sure the reader has already painted me as a bleeding heart liberal, I strongly disapprove of families bearing children they cannot afford OR care for properly…the human race is in zero danger of extinction and we all pay for poor children).

    All medical expenses for the Romney’s champion Olympic horse are tax-deductible — a benefit that humans in this country don’t enjoy. What?

    These people live on another planet, in another realm, where women still get to stay home with their kids full-time for years on end, and where animals bred for sport are prized more than any commoner. This went viral because they’re so rich, they’re utterly detached and certainly in no position to relate to most Americans. Good for them, truly, but the President has to be President to everyone, not just the 1%, and it sure helps if you have faith in working people enough to believe they won’t use a safety net unless they need to…a perspective it’s hard to develop when you’re living in a bubble. It sure helps if there’s some indication they respect women and women’s choices, from abortion to working (you know, the kind of work you don’t get to tilt your head about and say, “Do I feel like working? Do I NOT feel like working?…”) Ann Romney, bless her, seems like a nice Mom but hardly a realistic role model for young women. Not everyone finds a nice rich boy — or wants to.

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