Miami police kill man who chewed off victim’s face

I had considered making a humorous reference to a pending zombie apocalypse, but this story is too gruesome for humor…

Police in Miami are investigating a brutal attack that led an armed officer to shoot dead a naked man who had bitten off the face of another naked man leaving him in critical condition.

The news account goes on to note police suspect an overdose by the perpetrator on a powerful new form of LSD could have prompted the attack.

The “powerful new form of LSD” is actually known as “bath salts,” a powerful amphetamine-like chemical that has been linked to chest pains, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia, and delusions for those who use them.

Law enforcement has been slow to respond to the burgeoning prevalence of “bath salts,” with one report indicating 38 states – including Florida, where the “face-chewing” attack took place – have instituted bans on bath salts. However, it’s important to note that minor changes to the chemical makeup of the substances labeled “bath salts” can render those bans legally unenforceable while not affecting the potency (or harmfulness) of “bath salts.”

As someone who works in law enforcement/corrections, I can honestly say this is some scary stuff.


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