Scott Walker Finds His Inner Lee Atwater

Horton's mug shot from "Weekend Passes" Ad

The brainchild of Lee Atwater and produced by Roger Ailes, the Willie Horton ad and subsequent Revolving Doors ad were classic examples of race-baiting political advertising.

In what will go down as the most despicable political ad in the history of Wisconsin politics, Scott Walker’s campaign releases this piece of Rovian offal.



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4 thoughts on “Scott Walker Finds His Inner Lee Atwater

  1. Just goes to show that Scott Walker will go to any lengths to keep his taxpayer-funded six figure salary and benefits.

  2. The scurrilous ads, the fact that the Walker campaign isn’t “leaking” any of its polling. . .It all suggests that they know something they don’t want the rest of Wisconsin to know, Walker’s supporters, in particular.

    Apart from revealing the dark, ugly, amoral core of the Republican Party, generally, and of the Walker campaign, specifically, the ad, and the others like it which we have seen recently, smack of desperation.

    The people of Wisconsin are paying attention, Snotty Scotty. AND they’re NOT stupid.

    Tuesday CAN’T come soon enough!

  3. A radio version of this has been playing for a week on The Mic 92.1, which is on most weekdays at my shop. I’ve been known to walk over and shut the damn thing off for a minute or two.

    I really wish we had a law that said political ads had to tell the truth. Or just make it so media outlets don’t have to run it if it’s demonstrably false.

  4. Isn’t the Milwaukee Police Union endorsing Walker?? And wasn’t it Walker’s best friends, campaign directors and assistants Tim Russell and Brian Pierick that were soliciting underage boys on Walker’s own secret email system? Child porn anyone…so how hard would a comeback to this be?

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