Obama campaign raising money off Walker win in Wisconsin

Why am I not surprised by this?

The Obama campaign is warning supporters that unless they donate more money to the president’s reelection, what happened in Tuesday’s Wisconsin recall election may happen in November.

“What just happened in Wisconsin wasn’t an accident,” reads an email sent by Obama campaign manager Jim Messina on Wednesday. “Republican Governor Scott Walker and his allies outspent the Democratic challenger nearly EIGHT to ONE — and one of the most unpopular governors in the country managed to hold on.”

As noted by Amanda Terkel, President Obama never deigned to visit Wisconsin on behalf of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, instead focusing on grassroots support to the Wisconsin Democratic Party and sending out tweets supporting Mayor Barrett. While turnout for Tuesday’s recall election was higher than normal for a gubernatorial election, it certainly appears Republicans were actually more effective in turning out their voters than were Democrats, leaving me to wonder just how effective President’s Obama efforts to help Tom Barrett really were.

As I wrote yesterday, President Obama may get my vote in November, but he’s not getting a nickel of my money, because I’d rather give my money to candidates who might actually stand up for working men and woman, instead of making promises they don’t intend on keeping.


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