fix*us contest – You Are the Solution

From my email inbox comes news of an interesting contest being put on by LiveCitizen, “a community of outspoken citizens who voice their opinions on an array of political topics, current events and public affairs.”

Here’s the details on the contest:

As a country, we do pretty well , but we are far from perfect. We’ve got our share of problems, and we think that you have the answers. Fix*us is a campaign about giving you the platform to weigh in on some of the biggest issues our country is facing. You can read other users’ solutions and vote on the opinions you believe in. At the end of the campaign 5 winners will be selected and LiveCitizen will award a total of $5000 to the winner’s charities of choice.

Who: You, and anyone you know who is passionate about making a difference!
What: Fix*us Campaign, voicing your opinions, coming up with solutions, and benefitting charities.
When: August 13th – October 31st
Why: Because this is OUR country and we don’t think that politicians should be the only ones who have a say on how to run it.

To learn more about the fix*us contest or LiveCitizen, you can check out their website.


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1 thought on “fix*us contest – You Are the Solution

  1. No one has an answer for this and I ask a lot: Who will pay for the new baby boom if pro life takes away birth control?? Will the children be neglected??? adoption is not the answer. too many kids in foster care on the tax dime.

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