Wayne LaPierre, NRA spokesman for life or until he accidently shoots himself, said the Nevada man who accidently shot himself in his buttocks was within his rights to do so. “Conceal carry is the law”, LaPierre said. “This man, a patriot, had every right to defend himself. Besides, this sort of accident isn’t unusual. Buttock shooting is akin to target shooting, just closer range.”
When asked if carrying a gun into a movie theatre might not be inviting trouble, LaPierre said, “Hey, hairbrushes fall out of purses all the time … that’s a significant ankle turning risk, especially in a dark theatre. And gays have purses too and want extra rights but that’s never spoken about by the liberal media.”
Last month a similar incident occurred in Texas at a Walmart. When a man (who did have a concealed license) reached for his wallet the concealed gun he was carrying fired accidentally, struck him in the buttocks then ricocheted, hitting a nearby child and a nearby woman. He fled the scene and had to be pursued by police. Was this man a patriot? Or was this one of the good guys who had a right to defend himself?
LaPierre’s “good guys” versus “bad guys” line is going a long way these days, and it works well if one doesn’t wrestle much with one’s conscience or if one ceases to engage in complex thought. His statements here are beyond the pale, pathetic, and frightening all at the same time.
I can’t help but think of this scene in Witness:
Wayne LaPierre’s propaganda and that of the NRA serves only one purpose and it has nothing at all to do with rights or self defense. That purpose is profit. The NRA is a non-profit organization yet LaPierre rakes in over a million per year in salary. His propaganda benefits the industry of weapons manufacture in this country which is, by far, the largest in the world. Firearms companies continue to be a major contributor to the NRA gun lobby.
NRA’s lobbying isn’t a record of support for sports shooting or hunting but for assault grade weaponry and ammunition. NRA propaganda has completely shifted from hunting and sport to very targeted, hyper-fear, self-defense.
Given this last statement, I think it has become abundantly clear that the NRA is running out of spin that they can contort into “credible” rationale. If America is to be a free country it will stand its ground against the NRA and the industry of weapons manufacture. If America is to be free of the tyranny of other people’s guns – and tyranny it is – Americans will have to think for themselves and not like the NRA.
New NRA slogan:
Guns don’t kill people, hairbrushes do.