County Executive Abele to hold 2014 budget hearings

From my email inbox comes news of a couple of upcoming hearings held by County Executive Chris Abele to discuss his 2014 proposed budget.

County Executive Abele Holds Budget Hearings
MILWAUKEE – Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele invites the community to two hearings on his 2014 Proposed Budget. Abele is crafting the budget and welcomes input on the many important issues facing Milwaukee County.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center
1531 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee, WI 53205

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Greendale Safety Center
5911 West Grange Ave., Greendale, WI 53129

Accommodation services for people with disabilities can be requested from the Office for Person with Disabilities at 711 (TRS), or 414-278-3932 (Voice).


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