Peacemakers milestones: 1000 Facebook Likes

Congratulations to Amardeep Kaleka and Neverending Light Productions! Peacemakers on Facebook


About Peacemakers



“In April of 2012, Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Amardeep Kaleka and his team at Neverending Light Productions (NEL) began developing a documentary film about violence in American society. At the time, a rash of school shootings, hate crimes, and other senseless murders were sweeping the nation.

No one expected that the next national tragedy would strike so close to home

On August 5th, 2012 a lone gunman walked into the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin – the temple that Amardeep’s family helped found, and where he and his family worshipped every Sunday.

By the time the deranged shooter was put down by police, six beautiful people had been killed. Among them was Amardeep’s father, Satwant Singh Kaleka – who was shot multiple times while heroically disabling the shooter with nothing more than a butter knife in his hand.

​In the days that followed – though still reeling from the shock of the tragedy – Amardeep and his community seized every opportunity to call for peace and an examination of how such a hate crime could occur in our civilized nation. Amardeep traveled to Washington DC to testify before the Senate, join with lobbyist groups, and appear on national news media.

But now more than ever, he felt compelled to complete the documentary project he and his team at NEL had started months ago. With his growing network of survivors, former criminals, political activitists and researchers, Amardeep knew he was closer than ever to bringing this story to light.”

Film Story

“Following the violent murder of his father at the Sikh Temple shooting, Amardeep stepped into the public eye as an advocate for peace.  But personally, he never stopped struggling to face his anger and understand why this could ever have happened.

Now, to find an answer, Amardeep sets out on a journey to bring together other Peacemakers – survivors of violence, reformed criminals, advocates and researchers – who are all breaking ground in studying violence and creating solutions.  Together, they are tackling issues like gun control, mental health, education, media, and child-caregiver relations.

With a new understanding of the small steps we can take to make a difference, they unite to launch education campaigns and political movements, and ultimately come closer to peace with their own tragic losses.”



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