Elizabeth Coppola Asks For Help In First State Race of the 2014 Cycle

From my email inbox: As most of the readers here at Blogging Blue are aware, Elizabeth Coppola is the Democrat in the race for the 21st Wisconsin Assembly District to replace Mark Honadel who recently resigned in search of greener grass and bluer skies…well she is going to have to battle some pretty serious money from outside interests to win the race…and it is a very winnable race. That’s why that serious outside money is so interested…they don’t want to lose the first round of the 2014 election cycle and prove how vulnerable the governor will be next year.

So let’s cut to the chase…volunteers in person or via check book would be much appreciated! And although the following request talks about this weekend specifically, help would be appreciated any day of the week:

We are a mere 3 weeks away from Election Day in the 21st Assembly District. Now that the primary is over and Republicans have selected their candidate, the stakes are higher than ever. Elizabeth’s opponent is dead set on taking tax money out of our public schools and pouring it into unaccountable private voucher schools. We need your help to support Elizabeth Coppola–the only candidate that will fight for our children and public education.

Do you have two hours this weekend you can help knock on doors for Elizabeth Coppola?

Saturday, November 2 10am-8pm
Sunday, November 3 10am-8pm

UAW Hall – 7435 S Howell Ave, Oak Creek, WI

Click here to sign up!

If the weekends are busy, we would love your help any day of the week between 10am-8pm Monday-Friday.

Please contact us if you have any questions at votecoppola@gmail.com or 414-477-5049.

Elizabeth’s opponent has tens of thousands special interest voucher money coming in from D.C., but we can win this race with some good old-fashioned hard work. Help us prove that the 21st Assembly District will not be bought.

Please like our Facebook page too!

We appreciate all of your support,

Team Coppola

PS: If you can’t knock on doors, please consider making a donation of $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can afford.


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