So what’s going on in Cudahy? Don’t ask Ald. Randy Hollenbeck.

Back when he was running for Alderman, ultra-conservative Randy Hollenbeck assured his potential constituents that if elected he’d use his blog on CudahyNOW to inform residents of what was going on within Cudahy’s city government.

I will still keep “the people” informed of what is going on in the city. I will come home after a Common Council meeting and let people know what was said and done! I will not post the private in closed session items, but the rest I will.

That’s a pretty unambiguous statement, but unfortunately it’s a statement Randy Hollenbeck has not followed through on.

Instead of coming home after Common Council meetings and letting his constituents know what was said and done at those meetings, Randy Hollenbeck has busied himself using his CudahyNOW blog to call his constituents liars and hypocrites while posting salsa recipes and photos of his self-mangled finger.

It’s been more than 6 months since Ald. Hollenbeck was sworn into office, and in those 6 months I can count on one hand the number of times Ald. Hollenbeck has posted about what happened at Common Council or Community Development Authority meetings that he attended, despite his assurance to voters that he’d “come home after a Common Council meeting and let people know what was said and done!”

As someone who understands all too well how invaluable the internet can be when it comes to disseminating information, it’s disappointing to see that Ald. Randy Hollenbeck hasn’t lived up to the promises made by candidate Randy Hollenbeck, because his constituents deserve more communication than what they’re getting. After all, while Ald. Hollenbeck may think his constituents really really want to know his favorite salsa recipes and really really want to see photos of his severed fingertip, I’m pretty sure most folks who live in Ald. Hollenbeck’s district actually would rather read about what’s going on in Cudahy.

In fact, Ald. Hollenbeck could learn a few lessons on sharing information from one of his colleagues, Ald. Justin Moralez. While Ald. Moralez and I may not share similar political views, he deserves kudos for working to share information and engage residents of Cudahy on the issues they actually care about.


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