Cudahy Ald. Justin Moralez garners endorsement from Randy Hollenbeck

Earlier this week, Cudahy Ald. Justin Moralez announced he’s running as a Republican for the 20th Assembly District seat currently held by Democratic State Rep. Chris Sinicki. On the heels of Moralez’s announcement comes his first key endorsement, as fellow Cudahy Ald. Randy Hollenbeck has announced his full-throated support of…

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Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck caught lying about fake Facebook identity during 2013 election

On March 12, 2013, then-candidate Randy Hollenbeck posted a blog entry questioning why I had not answered questions posed to me by “Jon Schmidt.” In his blog entry, Hollenbeck wrote, “I have been asked by Jon Schmidt a few times why Zachary Wisniewski will not answer questions of this nature,”…

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Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck does a little Facebook “roleplay”

Earlier today, Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck took to Facebook to post a comment on this thread in the Cudahy Town Hall Facebook community. In his comment (which he appears to have deleted immediately after posting), Hollenbeck posted as if he were a teenager, not a grown adult. See for yourselves….

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So what’s going on in Cudahy? Don’t ask Ald. Randy Hollenbeck.

Back when he was running for Alderman, ultra-conservative Randy Hollenbeck assured his potential constituents that if elected he’d use his blog on CudahyNOW to inform residents of what was going on within Cudahy’s city government. I will still keep “the people” informed of what is going on in the city….

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Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck: “To be a Liberal is to be a hypocrite!”

Here’s what Cudahy Alderman Randy Hollenbeck thinks of those of us who happen to be liberal, presumably including those who happen to be his constituents: To be a Liberal is to be a hypocrite! And apparently to be Randy Hollenbeck is to be a judgmental, over-generalizing, ignorant boob.

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In which Randy Hollenbeck calls a constituent a liar and then tells a big fat lie

He hasn’t even taken office yet, and already Cudahy alderman-elect Randy Hollenbeck has shown that’s he’s going to be a new kind of politician….the kind who calls his constituents liars if he doesn’t like what they have to say, only to turn around and tell a lie himself. Here’s a…

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Congratulations to Randy Hollenbeck

For those of you who’ve been following, there was an election on April 2, and here in Cudahy I was a candidate for alderman.  Due to the small margin of victory for my opponent (only 10 votes), a recount was held earlier today.  After all the ballots were recounted, that…

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Who is Randy Hollenbeck?

So it appears “Ultra conservative!” Cudahy blogger Randy Hollenbeck is going to be running for office in the spring of 2013. While he hasn’t made a formal announcement of his plans (unless a comment on his blog counts), it appears Hollenbeck will be running for alderman in Cudahy’s 3rd Aldermanic…

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The “Alpha Male” gets it wrong on Kyle Wood

“Wisconsin GOP Worker Attacked In a Gay-bashing Hate Crime!!” screamed the title of a recent blog entry by right-wing blogger Randy “Alpha-Male” Hollenbeck. Unfortunately for Hollenbeck, the supposed “gay-bashing hate crime” never happened, with the supposed “victim” now recanting his allegations and facing criminal charges for providing police with false…

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Free health insurance & pension benefits for public employees?

Uh oh….looks like someone needs to read something other than Scott Walker talking points… Here’s a question – Why should you get your health insurance and pension for free? What makes you so special? The “you” Randy Hollenbeck is referring to would be Wisconsin’s public employees. What’s curious is that…

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