Republican Congressional candidate Karen Mueller: Wisconsin marriage ruling may lead to incestuous marriage

Yet another example of the wingnuttery of Wisconsin Republicans comes to us courtesy of Karen Mueller, an Eau Claire attorney vying to unseat incumbent Democratic Rep. Ron Kind in Wisconsin’s third Congressional district.

Karen Mueller, an Eau Claire attorney whose practice has focused on opposing abortion and defending those “discriminated against and harassed in the workplace, the school, college and/or the public square because of their faith,” is one of three Republican candidates seeking to challenge Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI). At a Republican Party of Monroe County candidate forum, she denounced the ruling and warned that it would create a slippery slope.

According to the Tomah Journal, Mueller said that the ruling might set a precedent that any two people can marry: “We’ve got, for instance, two sisters, and these two sisters want to get married. They love each other. They are committed to each other. They want to spend the rest of their life together.” Lawyers, Mueller explained, would be able to argue “‘We can just do away with that state law the same way we did away with sodomy laws,’” noting that “once you do away with that, you reveal what is really going on here.”

And before anyone says Karen Mueller’s statement is outside the mainstream of Wisconsin’s Republican Party, remember back to 2010, when Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch famously (or infamously) said same-sex marriage could open the door to humans marrying tables & clocks.

“This is a slippery slope,” Kleefisch said. “In addition to that at what point are we going to be okay marrying inanimate objects? Can I marry this table or this, you know, clock? Can we marry dogs?”


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3 thoughts on “Republican Congressional candidate Karen Mueller: Wisconsin marriage ruling may lead to incestuous marriage

  1. Sounds like Kind has drawn an opponent working out some pretty dark wish fulfillment fantasies.

  2. Being Republican correlates with her being so stupid, but the vanity, arrogance, malice and wilful ignorance are explained only by being a religious conservative.

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