Rockwood Vs. Sensenbrenner Is Now Official

rockwoodAs Shaina has previously posted, Chris Rockwood is running against Representative Jim Sensenbrenner for the 5th Congressional Seat. And today’s email includes Mr. Rockwood’s official announcement:

Wauwatosa—Chris Rockwood has announced his candidacy for U.S. Representative to Wisconsin’s 5th Congressional District, a seat currently held by F. James Sensenbrenner.

“Jim Sensenbrenner has been in Congress for 35 years, legislating for the benefit of the 1%, without apology. I intend to speak up for the rest of us, also without apology,” promised Rockwood.

In Congress, Rockwood will work to provide the citizens of the 5th with income security, affordable healthcare and access to excellent public education. He knows that these are essential investments for creating a thriving economy.

What’s more, he understands that we can create jobs right now and opportunities for the future by rebuilding our failing infrastructure and protecting our precious environment. Rockwood intends to serve tomorrow’s generations as well as today’s, unlike the incumbent who has a long, unfortunate record of trading tomorrow for today.

The Rockwood campaign is being run almost entirely by a seasoned campaign committee, and promises transparency, frugality and fact-based dialogue.

“We invite progressive voters in the 5th CD to join us in a lively discussion of our values from now until election day on November 4th,” Rockwood said. “Our voices need to be heard. This campaign will not back down from its strong progressive values.”

The 5th CD was altered significantly by Republican partisans during the 2011 state redistricting. Currently, it includes all of Washington and Jefferson Counties, most of Waukesha and Dodge Counties, a portion of Milwaukee County and the city of Whitewater in Walworth County.

This radically gerrymandered map is one example of a national Republican pattern, supported by Sensenbrenner, of exploiting redistricting laws to take unfair advantage over Democratic constituents without breaking voting discrimination laws.

For more information click, and follow the campaign @Rockwood4WI on Twitter and


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2 thoughts on “Rockwood Vs. Sensenbrenner Is Now Official

  1. I know how the Democrats feel in the 5thCD; no voice in Congress or worse, a voice answering only to the rich, the powerful,and the AFP crowd “growing” poverty. I was gerrymandered from Kind and the 3rdCD to Duffy and the 7thCD. Ouch!!!

    Senselessbrenner, as is Daffy, is no friend of the middle class or working men and women.

  2. Rockwood should hold Sensenbrenner accountable for his authorship if the Patriot Act which empowered the NSA to engage in blanket gathering of electronic communications. After it became public that the NSA was doing this, Sensenbrenner denied all responsibility. Sensenbrenner is the worst a politician can be.

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