Dan Sebring supporter wants to see Gwen Moore face a firing squad

Earlier today Republican Congressional candidate Dan Sebring posted this to his campaign’s Facebook page:

Among the comments found regarding Sebring’s post was this comment from a Sebring supporter who wants to see Rep. Gwen Moore “face a firing squad.”

K-Man Eastburn Personally, I would rather see her face a firing squad.

Not surprisingly, Sebring has not done anything to distance himself from the comment made by his supporter, nor has he asked “K-Man Eastburn” to tone down his vitriol.

The fact that Dan Sebring seems to support that kind of inflammatory and inappropriate rhetoric from his supporters just reinforces why he’s a poor choice to represent the 4th Congressional district. After all, while Gwen Moore stands up for his constituents, Dan Sebring can’t even stand up to his supporters.


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2 thoughts on “Dan Sebring supporter wants to see Gwen Moore face a firing squad

  1. need to edit comment to say “tone down” not “done down”

    Also – Gwen Moore stands up for HER constituents not “his” constituents.

    Just trying to help before the trolls find the errors. No need to post this comment on the webpage.

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