Rebecca Bradley declines to challenge Ann Walsh Bradley for state Supreme Court

This is interesting…

Milwaukee County Judge Rebecca Bradley announced Friday she would not run for state Supreme Court early next year.

Bradley had been urged by some conservatives to run against Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, who is seeking a third 10-year term on the court. Rock County Judge James Daley is already in the race, and if Rebecca Bradley had run there would have been a primary.

While Rebecca Bradley has declined to run for state Supreme Court in 2015, there’s absolutely no doubt this isn’t the last we’ll hear of her name mentioned as a possibility for the state Supreme Court. Given her youth and extreme conservative leanings, conservatives will fall all over themselves to place another pro-business conservative extremist on the state Supreme Court once she decides she’s ready to run.


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7 thoughts on “Rebecca Bradley declines to challenge Ann Walsh Bradley for state Supreme Court

  1. Zach, thanks.

    I’m taking this as good news.

    Wonder if she got caught up in the John Doe?


    1. I read “declines’ as “decides”. My lack of reading comprehension has rendered my joke useless. I beg forgiveness.

    1. Beg to differ. I think Van Hollen bailed and will stay gone because, as an attorney, he can see the writing on the wall and doesn’t want to be in the fall shadow when the Walker Regime goes down.

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