Eleanor Wolf, Citizen Action’s 2014 progressive achievement award winner, endorses Jeff Smith for DPW Chair

Ask any progressive in western Wisconsin’s Chippewa Valley who the hardest working activist in the Valley is and among the names you’ll hear is Eleanor Wolf, and she’s more than likely to be at the top of the list.

So when Citizen Action of Wisconsin held their annual vote last year to determine who should be honored with their 2014 progressive achievement award, Eleanor was nominated by her good friend Jackie Christner and dozens of people chimed in to put her over the top.

What makes Eleanor remarkable is that she’s 79 years old and has the energy of most people 20 years her junior. She’s a tireless organizer/activist and knocked on many hundreds, if not a thousand or more, doors in low income neighborhoods in Eau Claire County last year urging people to vote to raise the minimum wage and to expand Badgercare. Here’s what she has to say about Jeff Smith:

” I support Jeff Smith’s DPW Chair candidacy because he shares my values…..values that he pursues with a remarkable combination of idealism and determination (hard work). Jeff has inspired me, and many others to stay in the fight, to pool our skills and become actively involved in rebuilding and re-inventing progressive, caring communities and a progressive, caring Wisconsin. ”


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3 thoughts on “Eleanor Wolf, Citizen Action’s 2014 progressive achievement award winner, endorses Jeff Smith for DPW Chair

  1. I’m curious how much support Jeff Smith actually has among “rank and file” likely convention delegates and elected party officials. Seems like he has a lot of support among the online activist segment, but not so much among mainstream party members. I could be completely off base, but that is my perception right now.

    I ask this as someone who actually likes Jeff Smith, has met him, and likes some of his ideas.

  2. Maseman,

    All I can tell you for sure is that Eau Claire County delegate slots are filling up at more than double the rate of previous election years and they are currently overwhelmingly Jeff Smith voters. They’ve filled up roughly two thirds of their available slots and there’s a push to max them out. Jeff is very popular with mainstream Dems in the Chippewa Valley and with progressives, like Eleanor Wolf, as well. Eleanor will be traveling to Milwaukee as a delegate to vote for the first time ever, as will I, and we’re both voting for Jeff. I have her permission to share that with everyone.

  3. Jeff Smith does have a lot of support from the online activist segament of the community. He’s also bringing a lot of progressives back to the party. People who swore off the party years ago. They have rejoined. I really can’t tell you more than that and what Steve Carlson said.

    Jeff is not the firey candidate. But he is the strong, steady, pragmatic progressive, solution based candidate with a depth of experience at multiple levels that none of the other candidates has.

    BTW- That’s quite the candiate endorsement from the 2014 progressive achievment award winner. Eleanor is legendary on the west side of the state. These are the kind of people Jeff is bringing to the party. People willing to do the work on the ground. Ready, willing and able.

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