Scott Walker’s promise that his tax cuts would lead to better economy, more tax revenue proven false

But remember, according to Gov. Scott Walker and his rubber-stamp Republican Legislature, their tax cuts were going to stimulate Wisconsin’s economy and lead to increased tax revenue!

State GOP lawmakers won’t get any additional growth in tax money to help avoid Gov. Scott Walker‘s proposed education cuts so are instead looking at a one-shot injection of money to keep K-12 spending flat and their past tax cuts in place.

Top Republicans signaled they could also increase vehicle registration fees to limit proposed borrowing for state roads. But legislative leaders said they wouldn’t delay the phase-in of previous tax cuts or stop expansion of private taxpayer-funded voucher schools to undo more of the $300 million in proposed cuts to the University of Wisconsin System over two years.

Walker, an all but certain presidential candidate, and legislative Republicans have said for months that a revved up economy, fueled in part by their tax cuts, would lead to more tax money than projected through June 2017 and help them mitigate the education cuts.

But the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau projected Wednesday that the initial tax estimates would hold and there would be no May flowers for elected officials.

It’s my sincere hope that folks here in Wisconsin who’ve supported Gov. Walker and his fellow Republicans will see more examples of how Republican economic policies fail to create economic growth and will finally realize that they’re voting against their economic self-interests.


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9 thoughts on “Scott Walker’s promise that his tax cuts would lead to better economy, more tax revenue proven false

  1. If we have to endure 4 more years of this economic, educational and environmental disaster I’m not sure there will be enough of Wisconsin left to save. The simple and fair solution is to forget the $5 property tax cut, Cap the Manufactures and Ag-Corporation tax rate at where it is presently and accept the federal Medicaid money and there will be about $782 MILLION AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, THE U W SYSTEM AND MANY OF THE OTHER CUTS THAT WALKER IS DEMANDING!

    1. Yes after further review tax revenues are UP 3.3% this year. SO being UP 3.3% is in fact more than if they were DOWN. UP is in FACT a number greater than the previous year which will now be four years in a row of UP or INCREASING TAX REVENUE. So by my calculations tax revenues are UP. Or in the minds of liberal commentators is INCREASING REVENUE FROM TAXES actually a DECREASE in revenue? Every time I look at the numbers I SEE MORE REVENUE THAN in previous years. But I guess you could look at the numbers and see that actually tax collections being UP actually means they went DOWN. hmmmm I’ll have to ponder how that is possible.

  2. It was my understanding that Tax revenues to the state of WI has in fact INCREASED every year since WALKER took office. Several Years have seen a surplus in revenue. So are we now saying that failing to meet an inflated ESTIMATE of possible future tax revenue actually means we COLLECTED less taxes than in previous years?

    That is an odd assertion to make. Tax revenues are up every year but they didn’t SURPASS estimates so tax revenues are down? NOPE tax revenues HAVE been up. The estimates were wrong on EVEN MORE GROWTH but that doesn’t change the FACT that tax revenues into the state of WI have been UP not DOWN. UP is UP and down would be DOWN. TAX revenues over the last four years have in FACT been UP. Up is more than the number would be if in fact they were DOWN.

    1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

      John, spare us your tortured, upper case, long winded rebuttal; just supply a link to an authoritative state source.

    2. Stop making excuses for the GOP failure, troll, and get your facts straight. Total tax revenue fell in Fiscal 2014 due to the stupid Koo-Koo tax cuts, and revenue growth in this state is well below the stronger U.S. pace. You should be saying THANKS OBAMA! for not having our screwed-up budget be even worse.

      You know crafted a budget who had an upside revenue surprise? Jim Doyle and the Dems. Remember the $636 million of extra revenue Scott Walker lucked into in May 2011 because of the one Doyle budget that was passed with a Dem legislature? Which proved that there was never a need to do the Budget Repair Bill that led to Act 10? I do.


      1. Guys right in the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau it states that tax revenues have increased 3.3% from the previous year. UP is UP not Down.

        Jake, if we have had “unprecedented” tax cuts in wisconsin under Walker and tax revenues are STILL going UP I don’t understand how that equals revenue going DOWN.

        IN spite of tax decreases and freezes to property taxes revenues have BEEN UP every year. EVERY year UP not DOWN.

        1. Typical. The more complete statement is “For 2014-15, the January estimates projected tax collection growth of 3.7% over 2013-14. Through April, 2015, year-to-date collections are running at 3.3%” According to my math it’s a 10% difference. Yes, it’s up but not as much as projected and budgeted for

          1. @jhs, thanks for “the rest of the story.” Yep, my calculator also sez the difference is 10% down from estimated collection, so the troll’s claim is a “half-truth” or an omission of relevant facts which would significantly alter or falsify the conclusion presented.

            P.S. It is a fact that a “half-truth” is known as “the worst form of a lie” which reminds me of the saying “liar, liar, pants on fire.” Mr. Harper must have a lot of scorched clothing.

            1. You guys are pathological in your logic and speech. If you could read my post I stated that tax revenues for this year are greater than last year and the tax revenues for last year are greater than the year previous. also stated that the fact that revenues are coming in lower than what was projected does not take away from the fact that tax revenues are up for this year and have been up every year since Walker took office which includes all of the tax reduction he has made and freezing property taxes or lowering them in most instances. I did not speak a lie. I did not make a half truth argument. the fact that you cannot comprehend what I am saying does not bode well for you in general. I thought I was going to get a 4% raise this year but unfortunately I was informed I was only getting a 2% raise that doesn’t mean I am making less money next year because I thought I was getting a 4% raise but in fact I only got a 2% raise I am still making more money a projection is simply that a projection but it does not take away from the fact that more money has been coming in every year.

              let me say it one more time maybe you will understand if you hear it over and over revenues that are up from tax collections are up they are not down increasing revenue every year from tax collection means there is more money coming in from tax collection it does not mean there’s less money if the money coming in is actually greater than it was the previous year every year more money has come in tax revenue is up again up is up down would be down but in this instance it has been UP

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