Wisconsin Is Open For Business: Unintended Consequences!

When Governor Walker announced that Wisconsin Was Open For Business, his stated goal was to steal businesses from Illinois by making Wisconsin a tax haven and Eden for the 1%…but what is actually happening is out of state businesses are picking off Wisconsin name brands instead. Latest example:

Wisconsin will lose another locally owned food-based company by the end of 2015, according to information released by U.S. Foods this morning.

In a press release, Rosemont, Ill.-based U.S. Foods announced that it will be purchasing Dierks Foods, the family owned broadline foodservice distributor located in Waukesha.

Well there you go…


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1 thought on “Wisconsin Is Open For Business: Unintended Consequences!

  1. In other news, Ansay and Associates wants to expand in Port Washington adding 100 jobs with lowest being paid $42,500 per year. I’ll do the math for you Ed, that’s over $20 per hour. TGFGW

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