Watch as Democratic State Rep. David Bowen explains why he’s chosen to give his superdelegate vote to Sen. Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination.
I appreciate David Bowen’s stated intention to support the will of the Democratic voters of the state of Wisconsin, who gave Sen. Sanders a convincing win here in Wisconsin’s Democratic presidential primary, and I just wish DPW Chair Martha Laning, who ran on a ticket with Bowen, would have followed his lead instead of flip-flopping on who she’d give her superdelegate vote to.
David Bowen is a class act and a rising star in our state party. If you’ve ever heard him speak at any event, you’ll get what I’m talking about.
Steve will be glad to hear that I voted for Bernie at our County Caucus this weekend.
BUT, I will cast my vote for Hillary in the November election.
At least 1 super delegate in Wisconsin is outside of the DPW Groupthink.
Thank you very much.