VIDEO: Superdelegate David Bowen explains his support for Bernie Sanders

Watch as Democratic State Rep. David Bowen explains why he’s chosen to give his superdelegate vote to Sen. Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination.

I appreciate David Bowen’s stated intention to support the will of the Democratic voters of the state of Wisconsin, who gave Sen. Sanders a convincing win here in Wisconsin’s Democratic presidential primary, and I just wish DPW Chair Martha Laning, who ran on a ticket with Bowen, would have followed his lead instead of flip-flopping on who she’d give her superdelegate vote to.


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4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Superdelegate David Bowen explains his support for Bernie Sanders

  1. David Bowen is a class act and a rising star in our state party. If you’ve ever heard him speak at any event, you’ll get what I’m talking about.

  2. Steve will be glad to hear that I voted for Bernie at our County Caucus this weekend.

    BUT, I will cast my vote for Hillary in the November election.

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