Catching Up On the MKE County Executive Race

From the email this morning…former candidate for governor, Matt Flynn, has endorsed Glendale Mayor Bryan Kennedy for Milwaukee County Executive:

I am excited to support the campaign of my good friend Bryan Kennedy for Milwaukee County Executive. 

Bryan was my campaign manager in 2018 and he shares my progressive values. We have the same vision of a thriving and prosperous Wisconsin.

emphasis mine

Bryan has twice been elected the Mayor of Glendale, in northern Milwaukee County. As Mayor, he has a proven track record of investing in the community and being responsible with taxpayer dollars. 

He has worked tirelessly over the last four-and-a-half years with elected leaders and staff to improve city services for local residents. He saved the local mall from bankruptcy and created jobs. 

Bryan Kennedy is the right candidate to move Milwaukee County Forward. 

Bryan is the only candidate in the race with executive leadership experience. He will be ready from Day 1. Please consider making a donation today.

Thank you,

Matt Flynn

This endorsement should come as no surprise given the relationship these men have…see the emphasis above in the quotes.

And then there is this article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Dan Bice about recently announced candidate, Purnima Nath.

Conservatives, here is your candidate for Milwaukee County executive.

“Milwaukee deserves better,” Nath told a crowd of supporters when launching her campaign at the Milwaukee County Courthouse on Tuesday. “You need me as much as I need you.”

Well, it looks like she’s got the ego thing down! And although she has a seemingly intriguing biography…her thoughts on government and America get a little weird…even for a conservative Republican.

In October, Nath predicted “a very VERY bad thing will happen. It will be disastrous … devilish … and destructive.” She continued, “Through that storm, I hope poisonous people, divisive propaganda, deceitful plots and treacherous CONSPIRACIES are EXPOSED.”

Six months earlier, Nath had an even more dire warning. She said World War III was on its way:

“Churches will be burnt, vandalized & destroyed. Christians will be afraid to say they are christians. Christians will be secretly praying at home. Pope will resign. Jews & whites will be attacked. WW III is coming … a war of race, religion, color, gender!”

She labeled climate change “nonsense,” the media “corrupt” and the United Nations “invaded,” apparently by Muslim-majority countries. Elsewhere, she has harsh words for Muslims who emigrate to Europe and the United States.

“First (they) come, then breed heavy, occupy, then play victim, point finger, start hatred and incite violence, then massacre and take over! BOOM … MISSION ACCOMPLISHED,” Nath wrote on Aug. 22. “Age-old strategy hasn’t changed a bit!”

Asked if she believes Obama was born in America, Nath said, “There’s a question about it. I don’t know.”

At least Nath doesn’t dispute writing the inflammatory tweets, which are mixed in with inspirational memes in which she quotes herself on issues such as diversity and perseverance.

Ouch. I don’t think that Ms. Nath is anyone we want in any government, much less as Milwaukee County Executive…and I think that she has totally misjudged the electorate within Milwaukee County.


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1 thought on “Catching Up On the MKE County Executive Race

  1. Ms. Nath holds convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza in high regard (recently pardoned by Trump). D’Souza is the author of a best seller book: “The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left”. (The book was endorsed by Rush Limbaugh, so Ms. Nath could seek his endorsement.)

    She might do better running for office in Washington County.

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