National Republican Senatorial Committee is canceling $2 million in campaign ads for Ron Johnson.

Apparently the committee is having money issues but it is surprising that they have decided to cut funding in three ‘key races’…Mehmet Oz, Blake Masters, and Ron Johnson. The most surprising one is Ron Johnson since he is the incumbent while the other two candidates are not. But you have to wonder, is the committee being overly confident or facing a reality? What are their internal numbers showing them?

The committee also cut more than $2 million…in…Wisconsin, where incumbent Republican Sen. Ron Johnson is trying to fend off rising Democratic star Mandela Barnes, who won his primary last week. 

There isn’t much polling for the matchup between Johnson and Barnes, but the race is expected to be a close one, making the NRSC’s move to cut bait — at least $2 million worth of it — all the more surprising.

NRSC disclaimer:

NRSC Communication Director Chris Hartline stressed that the committee was still invested in all three races in a statement to the Times. “Nothing has changed about our commitment to winning in all of our target states,” he said.

It may not make that much difference in Wisconsin given the millions being spent on Johnson’s behalf by third party organizations…but it will be an interesting campaign season.


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