Ron Johnson Says We Don’t Need To Pass Legislation To Protect Marriage Equality

He says it’s settled law and no matter what Justice Clarence Thomas said in his support of reversing Roe v. Wade, eliminating marriage equality just won’t happen.

Yet, the common knowledge was that Roe v. Wade was settled law and well….we all know what did in fact happen.

So, this came up today in the local paper’s feature: Also on this date:

In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Ace denying federal recognition of same-sex marriages, a day after saying the law should not be used as an excuse for discrimination, violence or intimidation against gays and lesbians. (Although never formally repealed, DoMA was effectively overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in 2013 and 2015)

emphasis mine

So…never formally repealed…wouldn’t DoMA become the law of the land again if SCOTUS changes their mind about marriage equality in the same manner as Roe v. Wade?

Repeal DoMA and enact a national bill to protect the right of all Americans to wed whom they love.


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