Circling Back: WI Supreme Court Restores Approval of Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

During the 2020 Pandemic Election, municipal drop boxes became more popular than ever before as voters were afraid of catching COVID and wanted to avoid polling sites and voting in person. So they requested absentee ballots in record numbers and municipal election officials across the State of Wisconsin adopted ballot drop boxes.

As part of the attacks on the validity of the 2020 elections by Donald Trump and his election fraud cabal, drop boxes were attacked as a means for stealing that election. Of course this was a lie but it resonated with a certain subset of Wisconsin voters and the elected officials who were catering to them. And no matter how absentee ballots are collected…there are a myriad of laws and safeguards in place to protect vote integrity.

But earlier this month, the Wisconsin Supreme court re-instated the use of drop boxes by a vote of 4 -3. And yes this will make voting easier for some of our fellow state residents. But it will also ease the job for many small town and small village rural clerks who don’t have permanent offices in their municipality or who don’t work full time. They now have a much more secure and convenient way to collect absentee ballots which is part of their mandate as election officials.

Now, during the period when limits on ballot drop boxes were in place…these drop boxes were still valid:

but this one wasn’t:

I am thinking the second one is more secure than the first…just sayin’!

and keep in mind, as part of her dissent on restoring the use of drop boxes: WI Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley Says Absentee Voting Is A Privilege.


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