Some Scary Aspects Around Moms For Liberty and One In Particular

At just four years old, the Moms for Liberty have become a growing force in the MAGA Republican Party. Not only staunch supporters of Donald Trump they are often pushing radical conservative agendas around sex education, gender equality, book banning, abolition of the federal Dept. of Education, reduction in Title IX rights, and their own brand of parental rights…although their idea of parental rights is parenting like they tell you to.

Until the 2024 election cycle they have taken solid aim at taking control of local school boards and have gotten a large number of their candidates elected. So now they are taking on expanding their program to local and state offices and in 2024 they will probably see some success as well.

So all of that is scary on the face of it…but locally there is one statement coming out of the RNC that is even more off putting:

“Four years ago, I couldn’t have told you who the governor of Wisconsin was and here I am as a delegate at the Republican National Convention,” said Moms for Liberty Ozaukee County Vice Chair Amber Schroeder.

She didn’t know who the governor of Wisconsin was? Really? This type of ignorance is one reason we find ourselves at the divisive impasse we are presently stuck at.

But given the recent turn of events from this past weekend…her next sentence may prove prophetic~

“It’s going to be the women that get somebody elected next.”

Yes Indeed…women…will elect Kamala Harris the next President of the United States!


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