DNC schedule change: Tammy Baldwin to speak at 5:30pm CT on Thursday

Per Baldwin campaign staffers, there’s been a schedule change at the DNC. Tammy Baldwin was previously scheduled to speak at 7pm CT; she has been moved up to about 5:30pm CT. You can watch her speech live here. Go, Tammy Baldwin, go!

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Go, Tammy Baldwin, go!

Tammy Baldwin was my representative when I lived in Madison, and she truly represented me. Not only did Congresswoman Baldwin share my progressive values, she, along with Sens. Feingold and Kohl, actively worked to bring a dear friend of mine and her company home after they had been involuntarily extended…

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We Are Sikhs- Poem from the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin

Amardeep Kaleka,  whose father,  Satwant Singh Kaleka,  was killed in the massacre at the Oak Creek Sikh Temple on August 5th,  recently released a video via You Tube. It’s a clip of a project he is currently working on,  which will illustrate how Sikhs have flourished in the United States.  “The idea…

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Paul Ryan should debate Rob Zerban already

Paul Ryan has been so busy campaigning with Mitt Romney that he seems to have forgotten he’s also on the ballot in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District. His Democratic challenger,  Rob Zerban,  has been trying to get Paul Ryan to debate him,  to no avail. According to The Shepherd Express, Paul Ryan…

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Partisanship is alive and well in Waukesha County [Updated-8/31]

Waukesha County needs new election equipment and County Exec. Dan Vrakas will seek $70,000 for the upgrade,  according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. But the real story has nothing to do with the money and everything to do with the appearance of partisan politics in Waukesha County. According to the…

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Rebecca Kleefisch: “There is a way to have a more forcible rape”

Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch once likened same sex marriage to marrying a table or a clock, claimed it’s “a slippery slope,” and cited her “Christian beliefs” as her rationale. That’s just one example of the ridiculously outlandish statements our Lt. Governor has made. So I was pleasantly surprised to see…

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Wisconsin government employees against government head to Republican National Convention

If I were a Republican ideologue who publicly railed against government, I probably would not accept a job working for the government. But that’s just me. Clearly, others feel differently. Like Cathy Stepp, the Walker-appointed Wisconsin DNR Secretary who supported wolf-hunting with dogs and helped let Herr Environmental off the hook for…

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Meet Tom Hibbard, Democratic candidate for Assembly District 99

Representative Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) is running for re-election in Wisconsin Assembly District 99 in November. He’s also running for the Republican nomination for State Senate Dstrict 33 in the September primaries. Under Wisconsin state law, Kapenga can legally run for both seats at the same time. The question I have…

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Democrats John Pokrandt and Chris Rockwood to kick off general election campaigns on 8/28

John Pokrandt and Chris Rockwood have attended many events here in Waukesha County over the past several months, and I’ve gotten to know them pretty well. Both Pokrandt and Rockwood are sincere and committed to their communities. They’re also fiscally smart and incredibly resourceful, which is why they have pooled…

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Tommy Thompson gets cranky about his tax returns

At a public appearance in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Wednesday, Tommy Thompson said he will NOT release his tax returns, and that’s final. “No,” Thompson told the pesky reporters who had the gall to press him for more info.  “The answer is N-O.  What part don’t you understand?”  Tom Murray of 620…

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